Black (Venere) Rice
Black rice comes from China but today is grown also in the Po valley. Its grains are small, stretched and of a beautiful blackish, dark violet. It requires long cooking times (approx. 45 min.) and always remains al dente. Ideal if served with baked meat and fish. It is rich of nourishing and – according to the ancient Chinese – aphrodisiac properties.
Possible packaging

1-2-5 kg

Vacuum-packed box
0.5 kg

Vacuum-packed box
1 kg

Modified atmosphere packaging
0.5 kg

Our recipes: Mexican-style rice with cuttlefish
Ingredients: 300g black (Venere) rice, 2 spoons of boiled red beans, 240 g fresh cuttlefish (cleaned and cut into thin strips), 2 tomatoes (diced and with the seeds scooped out), 2 dl of red wine, chopped parsley, 3 spoons of olive oil, 1 knob of butter, 1 chipped garlic glove, 1 chilli pepper, salt and pepper.

Preparation method
Boil the black (Venere) rice for 45 minutes in plenty of lightly salted water.
In the meantime, pour the olive oil in a pan and when it is hot, add garlic, cuttlefish, parsley and chilli pepper. Sauté on a high flame. Pour in the wine, lei it evaporate and add the tomatoes and the red beans. Reduce the sauce and adjust with salt and pepper. Strain the brown (Venere) rice and add the butter when it is still hot. Put it in the middle of a plate and leave a hollow in the middle, where to put the sauce with the cuttlefish. Serve immediately.