Basmati Rice
Basmati rice, coming from the south-east of Asia, has tapered and stretched grains rich in starch. That is why it is often washed before cooking. Its distinctive feature is the hazelnut flavour that remains unaltered also after cooking.
Ideally served with Oriental dishes and special rice salads or as side dish for stewed meals.
Possible packaging

1-2-5 kg

Vacuum-packed box
0.5 kg

Vacuum-packed box
1 kg

Modified atmosphere packaging
0.5 kg

Our recipes: Basmati base preparation

Preparation method
Measure the rice when it is raw and dry (according to the number of people, 100g per person approximately). Use a heavy-bottom pot with a lid that fits it guaranteeing perfect seal; pot size should be such that rice forms a 2 cm layer. Pour the rice in the pot and add water (water quantity shall be one and a half / two times rice volume). Add salt and, if desired, some spices (for instance, a teaspoon of black cumin seeds, or half a teaspoon of curcuma). If desired, add a little knob of butter. Put the mixture on the flame and bring to boil. Mix and cover with the lid, after wrapping it in a kitchen towel (it will guarantee a better seal and absorb excess moisture). Cook for 10 minutes on a very low flame without opening the lid. Turn the burner off and let it stand for further 10 minutes without removing the lid. The rice is ready. Open the lid, gently mix and serve, adding vegetables or meat or fish at taste.